Effective Self Service enables customers, external as well as internal, to find what they need in one portal, as it gives them one way in to access all relevant information about open cases, relevant PO’s, HR information etc. The Scandinavian PUG 2017 Conference is all about Self Service – presentations in plenum and round table discussions will be about working with the Self Service Portal, including setting up a good landing page, automation and integrations into and out of POB. The two-day program includes shuttle service, accommodation, meals, surprise social activity and ample of opportunity for networking.
The Conference will take place at Sundvolden Hotel, near Oslo, Norway, on March 14-15, 2017. Invitations will be sent out during November.
If you are interested in learning more about the planning of the conference and what else was discussed at the recent PUG board meeting, you may find this in Danish here.