Do you sometimes feel you do not see the whole G6, are you on occasion confused about the modules and what they can do for your business, do you want to do more with POB? Then mark your calendar for March 31st and April 1st, 2020, where next year’s user conference in Scandinavia will focus on the overall picture and coherence of POB G6. Wendia North America’s Kevin Goertzen will give an inspiring presentation of POB G6 from A to Z, answering questions like how is the solution built, which needs do the individual modules meet, and in which order would the modules normally be implemented. In addition, the two days also feature user presentations, round-table discussions, a POB Q&A session and much more.
The conference will be held in a location near Oslo, Norway, to be determined. More information about the conference will be made available over the summer and in the fall, in the meantime if you have any questions please contact Maja Seilund.