Wendia North America is pleased to invite Customers and Partners to the 2019 Customer-Partner Conference that will take place October 1st till October 3rd, at the Zermatt Resort, Midway, Utah. Under the theme “The Cure for What Ails You” the conference offers informative conference sessions, interactive workshops, value-packed customer and partner presentations, hands-on training, daily meals and first-class entertainment.
Registration deadline is August 31st – but if you register by May 31st, you will be invited to attend early-bird special sessions on September 30th at no additional cost. Sessions cover the topics new restful API (version 1.10), the new 1.10 interfaces, Kanban (version 1.10) and KPI explorers and overviews.
If you have any questions please contact Susan Miller at 801-995-4100 or email at s.miller@wendia.com.